Bodhi Medicine Awareness Online Course Part 1

Welcome to the most transformative course for your body, mind and emotions!

This course will reveal to you a completely new perspective of what Health and disease really are. Through the 5 Biological Laws you will learn what causes symptoms and disease, what is inflammation, what causes tumors to grow in the body and much more!

Some of what you will learn:

  • The 5 Biological Laws.
  • The essential cause of all symptoms or dis-ease in the human body.
  • Essentials of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous systems and their symptomatic manifestations. 
  • How the body and mind respond to survive unexpected situations in life.
  • What creates inflammation and how it benefits our body.
  • What is the main role of bacteria, virus, parasites and fungus in your body.
  • A different perspective around infectious and contagious diseases.
  • What creates the growth of tumor in the body.
  • You will receive a new understanding on how each symptom or so-called Disease has a unique meaning and purpose in life.

Chapter 1: The Origin of all Symptoms

In this first chapter you will learn the cause of all physical and psychological symptoms or diseases and how the body, mind and emotions are totally interconnected.

Chapter 2: Sympathetic and Parasympathetic

Learn the most essential principles of body physiology, understanding the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous responses and the natural rhythms of the body and mind.

Chapter 3: The evolution of all diseases

This chapter will totally transform the way you see health and disease, understanding exactly what happens in the body, mind and emotions after a traumatic situation in life.

Chapter 4: The origin of tumors

Here you will learn through basic Embriology the most simple, logical, scientific and relaxing explanation of what causes tumor growth in the body, what might be called Cancer.

Chapter 5: The real role of Microorganisms

Here you will discover what is the real purpose and function of all microorganisms in the human body, which is very different from all that they have taught us before.

Chapter 6: Do we really get sick?

This chapter brings everything together allowing you to understand how the body never malfunctions and is always trying to help us survive and evolve.

Bodhi Medicine Awareness Online Course Part 1 is 100% online and includes:

6 videos

Pre-recorded classes you can watch at your own pace as many times as you want.

1 Workbook

With special tasks

1 year

Access to the content

Dr. Yonatan Eidels Huber (Nirdosh Kohra)

After he graduated as a Medical Doctor and took of on a life journey around the world to find the way to bridge Western and Eastern Medicine. He experienced and was trained in many Healing and transforming techniques in India, Tibet, Europe, USA and Mexico that led him to be a co-founder of Path of Meditation (2006), of the Conscious Nutrition Academy (2007) and to create the Bodhi Medicine Institute (2015).

He actually offers Awareness Intensive and Primal retreats, Active Meditation workshops, Men´s gatherings, Osho meditative therapies, Bodhi Medicine trainings, Osho No Mind Trainings around the world and runs a private holistic Medical practice in Mexico, Greece, Brazil and other places of Europe.

What people say about Bodhi Medicine

Anam Kat

Bodyworker and Breath

Therapist - Germany

"It's a whole shift in terms of thinking what is disease, what causes disease, how to treat or not to treat disease. And it's presented in a way that is easy to follow and digest".

Juan Carlos Montes

CEO and founder of Monte Bueno

Health products - Mexico City

"It feels like learning how to drive again, but finally understanding how all the controls of the car work. Thank you for helping us to know our body better".

Gina Rangel

Chef, Mother and Blogger

- Mexico City

"These workshops have been without doubt some of my best experiences in life! Every day I have been proving the efficiency of the teachings of Dr. Yonatan Eidels Huber (Nirdosh Kohra), they are perfect! And in our home we don’t say anymore “we are sick”, now we say “we are healing pains".

Frequent Asked Questions

Can I access the course from any country?

Yes, Bodhi Medicine training is 100% online and can be purchased from any country.

What are the payment options?

The payment methods are: through our platform with Credit Cards or deposit to a bank account in Mexico (You can use any valid international credit card. Your bank will charge at the transaction day's rate).

How do I become certified as a Bodhi Medicine practitioner?

You can find all the information about the certification here.

How much time do I have to finish the course?

From the moment of enrollment, you have one year of content access to complete the course.

What if I need more time?

If after one year of enrollment you haven't finished the course or you want to retake it, you can enroll again paying half of the value, and you will have access to an extra year.

What do I do if I have any questions about any of the course topics?

We recommend you complete the entire course you purchased before sending us your question. There are question and answer sessions at the end of each section. If after finishing the content you still have questions, you can write to us at [email protected].

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