Bodhi Medicine Training offers you a deep connection between body and mind

And gives you the tools and knowledge you need to heal yourself.

It's time to empower yourself and get healthy.

Stop fighting the symptoms and start understanding the messages your body is giving you.

Today more than ever, you need to understand in depth the functioning of your Body-Mind-Spirit to prevent illnesses. To overcome them in a natural, integral and conscious way, and to reach your maximum potential as a human being.

Bodhi Medicine Training is based on the 5 Biological Laws, reinforced with tools of Somatic Experience, Meditation, different alternative medicine techniques, emotional therapy, nutrition, and more.

Join Dr. Yonatan Eidels Huber (Nirdosh Kohra) and the Bodhi Medicine community in one of the most empowering processes you can experience for your health, the health of your family, and the health of your environment.

Bodhi Medicine Training is 100% online and includes:

4 Learning Modules

And 4 manuals to print with all the content of each module.

No pre-requisites

To participate in this Bodhi Medicine training. Anyone over 18 years of age can enroll.

Bibliographies, articles and books

To support your learning process.

Access to all classes

For 1  year

Module 1: Rediscover your biology!

Introduction to Bodhi Medicine

In this module you'll learn:

  • The 5 Biological Laws.
  • How the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems work.
  • The origin of tumors and their purpose in our body.
  • The main role of bacteria, virus, parasites and fungi in our body.
  • What causes allergies and how we can eliminate them naturally.
  • The cause of chronic symptoms in the body and how to break those cycles.
  • The power of Diagnoses and Prognoses.
  • The meaning of unilateral symptoms in the body.
  • What to do in a Medical Emergency.

Duration: 12 hours.

Module 2: In depth to the mysteries of the body - Organs, symptoms & diagnoses

Get the exact messages your body gives with any symptom or disease, let go of old limiting patterns to bring back harmony and relaxation.

Here you will learn the origin and meaning of each symptom or pathology in the human body, understanding the most common diagnoses and how to consciously come out of each one of these situations. These are the systems we will explore:

  • Respiratory system.
  • Urinary system.
  • Muscular skeletal system.
  • Integumentary system (skin).
  • Lymphatic system.
  • Reproductive system.
  • Endocrine (hormonal) system.
  • Cardiovascular system.
  • The eye.
  • The ear.

Duration: 12 hours.

Module 3: Illuminating the mind - Brain Constellations and psychological pathologies

This module takes you beyond psychology to understand your mind, your emotions and your moods in a simple, logical and relaxing way.

This module is a real mind-blowing experience! You will finally understand why it makes so much sense to change our behavior and manifest some of the following symptoms or diagnoses and how to come out of them consciously:

  • Depression.
  • Alzheimer disease.
  • Agressive patterns.
  • Suicide attempts.
  • Megalomania.
  • ADD / ADHD.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive disorder.
  • Panic attacks.
  • Autism.
  • Anorexia, bulimia.
  • Bipolarity.
  • And others.

Duration: 12 hours.

Module 4: Expand your horizons! - Therapeutic and meditation techniques

Therapy and Meditation techniques that will support you in your personal healing and learn how to support others in a conscious, professional and integrative way.

Learn how to implement therapeutic and meditation techniques in your daily life and to support others, to avoid or to come out of symptomatic situations. Some of the techniques you will learn:

  • Clearing out limiting beliefs.
  • Active meditation techniques for emotional relief and deactivation of the Sympathetic Nervous System.
  • Meditation techniques to support during a healing processes.
  • Techniques to go through fears, using them to learn and grow consciously.
  • Conscious communication techniques.
  • Therapeutic techniques through writing.
  • Use of supplements and natural methods to support during Sympathetic and Parasympathetic activations.
  • And more.

Duration: 12 hours.

Dr. Yonatan Eidels Huber (Nirdosh Kohra)

After he graduated as a Medical Doctor and left on a life journey around the world, he found the way to bridge Western and Eastern Medicine. He experienced and was trained in many Healing and transforming techniques in India, Tibet, Europe, USA and Mexico that led him to be a co-founder of Path of Meditation (2006), of the Conscious Nutrition Academy (2007) and to create the Bodhi Medicine Institute (2015).

He actually offers Awareness Intensive and Primal retreats, Active Meditation workshops, Zen retreats, Men´s gatherings, Osho meditative therapies, Bodhi Medicine trainings, Osho No Mind Trainings around the world and runs a private holistic Medical practice in Mexico, Greece, Brazil and other places of Europe.

What people say about Bodhi Medicine Training

Catalina Molnar

Coach, Facilitator

-Bucharest, Romania

"Bodhi Medicine offered me a deep connection with my mind and body, creating a new understanding of how life is organizing it-self in the most amazing way. A shift in my understanding that the symptoms are in most cases the first phase of healing released the tensions and offered me the relaxation so much needed for the body and mind to recover and heal even faster than usual".

Luis Sierra Suárez

Orthopedist, Knee surgeon

-Mexico City

"Bodhi Medicine and the 5 Biological Laws have allowed me to open and understand the world of emotions and the human psyche, their relationship to the cycle of health and disease, and how it's all connected. For me a it was a Big Bang after 25 years of studying medicine... the puzzle is finally complete. A new path, a new intuition and a clear mission. I am deeply grateful forever for this new way of seeing life".



Meditation Leader

- Kazan, Rusia

"Thank you very much for the Bodhi Medicine online course, I did in April. The understanding that it gives really changes the perception of "diseases" and the attitude of the processes in the body. I really enjoyed it. I can trust my body much more now and don't have fear. And I didn't have during this coronavirus situation".

Sign up for Bodhi Medicine training and start your change now!


Sign up for Full Training

And save $200 USD (until 31st July 2024)




  • 1 year access to the training
  • 100% Online
  • Bibliographies, articles and books
Enroll by Module

From (until 31st July 2024)




  • Buy Module 1 $250 USD
  • Buy Module 2 $280 USD
  • Buy Module 3 $280 USD
  • Buy Module 4 $280 USD

Frequent Asked Questions

Can I access the course from any country?

Yes, Bodhi Medicine training is 100% online and can be purchased from any country.

What are the payment options?

The payment methods are: through our platform with Credit Cards or deposit to a bank account in Mexico (You can use any valid international credit card. Your bank will charge at the transaction day's rate).

With deposit in a Mexican bank account:

Bank: BBVA Bancomer

Account number: 0120336424

CLABE: 012180001203364243

Name: Bodhi Medicine Institute



[email protected]


Revolut Account:


IBAN: LT37 3250 0524 4962 3578

Beneficiary: Yonatan Eidels Huber 

Please send an email to [email protected] with the following information:

-Payment receipt photo

-Full Name


-Phone number


-Course purchased (which module(s) or complete training)

How do I make the payment in Mexican Pesos (MXN)?

The prices of the training in Mexican pesos (MXN) are as follows:

Module 1: $ 4,900
Module 2: $ 5,500
Module 3: $ 5,500
Module 4: $ 5,500

Complete training: $ 17,000 (save 4,400)

You can choose MXN when checking out through this site.

How do I become certified as a Bodhi Medicine practitioner?

You can find all the information about the certification here.

How much time do I have to finish the course?

From the moment of enrollment, you have one year of content access to complete the course.

What if I need more time?

If after one year of enrollment you haven't finished the course or you want to retake it, you can enroll again paying half of the value, and you will have access to an extra year.

What do I do if I have any questions about any of the course topics?

We recommend you complete the entire course you purchased before sending us your question. There are question and answer sessions at the end of each section. If after finishing the content you still have questions, you can write to us at [email protected].

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